Danish Constitution Day - Grundlovsdag

It’s grundlovsdag (constitution day) today - the closest thing Denmark has to a national day. It celebrates the first democratic constitution that was signed by King Frederik VII. on June 5, 1849, and established the constitutional monarchy with a representative parlamentary system in Denmark.

Source: Wikipedia

Here are some interesting facts about the Danish Constitution (Danmarks Riges Grundlov): Continue reading

Sommerhusstil - Danish summer cottage style

Yesterday was the first day that actually felt like spring, and the first day this year that allowed me to pull out my sunglasses. The day itself was beautiful, with fresh air, clear blue skies and non-stop sunshine. We spent it with a family brunch and birthday in Frederikssund in Northern Sjælland (Zealand), and after a downright food orgy with brunch, coffee, cake and sweets, we took a walk on the beautiful Roskilde Fjord. One thing I love so much about Denmark is that, no matter where you are, you’re never far away from the ocean. I’ve always wanted to live near the water, so this is absolute heaven for me. And the walk along Roskilde Fjord was stunning, with the sun in the blue sky, the clearest, freshest air, and the calm water as far as the eye could see… on the way back, we passed through a small, idyllic residential area, where every couple of houses, you’d see a “dannebrog” flying in the soft ocean breeze. I forgot to bring my phone or camera to the walk, so no pictures, unfortunately.

But this amazing day in Nordsjælland made me think of Rørvig, where my boyfriend’s parents have a “sommerhus”, a typical Danish summer cottage, near the beach, and where we’ve spent some time last summer. We’ll probably go up there again for the traditional family Easter lunch this year, and hunt for chocolate in the garden.

Danish summer houses have a very unique style. The classic “sommerhus” is usually a one-story building made of black wood, with white windows, surrounded by a small garden area with bushes and trees. Many sumer cottages have a flagpole as well, and usually you will see some bikes leaning against the house or standing in a shed. The interior is cozy and homely, the famous “hygge” is as important as ever. The traditional “sommerhusstil”, or summer house style, is very romantic. As opposed to the stylish, clear and modern interiors you find in fancy Copenhagen and Frederiksberg apartments and houses, summer houses will have plushy couches, fluffy pillows, carpets and curtains. Many summer houses have wood-burning stoves or fireplaces, because evenings and nights in the Danish early or late summer can be chilly. (When we arrived for our vacation last summer, we almost smoked out the entire house when trying to get a little fire going to warm us up…)  As for the colors, furniture will often be white or of light wood, and color schemes range from romantic pastels to nautical-themed blue and navy tones. I’ve really fallen in love with the Danish summer house, and we’ll probably be spending some time there again this summer. For me, summer cottages mean long, wam nights, cycling to the beach, barbecue on the porch, and drinking a cold Carlsberg. They mean “hygge” and relaxation. They are the epitome of Danish summer.

Typical Danish summer house

Front porch for playing games and barbecues

Inside the sommerhus: Fireplace

A green oasis for relaxation

Some interior brands capture the essence of the Danish summer house:

Greengate: Romantic designs, floral patterns and soft pastels are the trademark of Danish company Greengate, and you’ll probably be able to find many a Greengate product in Danish summer houses. http://www.greengate.dk

Cath Kidston: Similar to Greengate, this UK brand is also focusing on playful patters, romantic flowers and pretty colors. If you like the “shabby chic” trend, you’ll also be right at home here! They also have clothes and accessories available in the online shop. www.cathkidston.com

Lene Bjerre: I’ve written about this brand before, but if I had a sommerhus, I’d be sure to put a ton of their products in there! They are less playful but no less girly and pretty, with more natural colors and high quality materials. http://www.lenebjerre.com

There are some blogs I’ve found that are dedicated to the Danish sommerhus:

Further, I’ve found some great posts here:

  • Transforming a summer cottage from French style to “sommerhusstil”: here
  • A very stylish and pretty Danish summer house: here
  • Recommended Danish summer cottages in shabby chic style or black-and-white style (in German)
  • Ready for hygge and sommerhusstil: here
  • Shabby chic romantic summer house: here

2013 flashback: Summer vacation in Rørvig

Heute ist der letzte Tag in 2013 und das nehme ich gerne zum Anlass, um nochmal einige Highlights des Jahres Revue passieren zu lassen. Das Jahr war schon ziemlich stressig, aber es gab immer wieder Unterbrechungen zur Erholung: ein Familienurlaub in Südfrankreich und ein langes Wochenende in Barcelona zum Beispiel. Aber da dieses Blog sich ja vorwiegend mit Dänemark beschäftigen möchte, findet Ihr hier einige Eindrücke der wunderschönen Tage, die wir diesen Sommer im Sommerhaus der Schwiegereltern in spe in Rørvig (Nordsjælland) verbrachten.


As 2013 draws to a close, I’m taking the opportunity to look back on some of my favorite moments and events of the year. It’s been a stressful year, but there were plenty of welcome interruptions for relaxing, e.g. a family vacation in the South of France or a long weekend in beautiful Barcelona. But since this blog is supposed to focus on Denmark, I’m sharing some impressions from the couple of days we spent in the in-laws’ summer house in Rørvig, North Sealand.


Sommerhaus - summer house


Hafen - Rørvig harbor


Fangfrischer Fisch im Hafenrestaurant - fresh fish in the harbor restaurant

WP_20130704_005Johannisbeeren-Schnecke zum Frühstück - delicious Danish pastry for breakfast

WP_20130705_002 WP_20130705_006 WP_20130705_004Am Strand! Sonnencreme nicht vergessen! - At the beach, remember your sunscreen!